Publications and Series
Open Access!
Check out Redefining Development: Resolving Complex Challenges in Developing Countries, an Open Access short book from the series Cambridge Elements in Public and NonProfit Administration.
The foundation of this series is both cutting-edge contributions on emerging topics and definitive reviews of keystone topics in public and nonprofit administration, especially those that lack longer treatment in textbook or other formats.
“Effective cross-sector collaborations create sustainability”
Recommended Citation:
Kritz, Jessica. “Effective Cross-Sector Collaborations Create Sustainability.” The Lancet Global Health 6, no. 9 (September 2018): e952–e953.
“Cross-Sector Collaboration: A Tool for Democratic Health Policy Transformation”
This American Journal of Public Heath article, co-authored by Jessica Kritz and Fathali M. Moghaddam, discusses suggestions for expanding public participation through cross-sector collaboration. This article focuses on ideas being tested with ongoing projects in the Old Fadama urban slum in Accra, Ghana.
Recommended Citation:
Jessica Kritz, Fathali M. Moghaddam, “Cross-Sector Collaboration: A Tool for Democratic Health Policy Transformation”, American Journal of Public Health 108, no. 6 (June 1, 2018): pp. 739-740.
"Utilizing Cross-sector collaboration to improve community health in an urban slum in accra, ghana"
Journal of Public Health Management and Practice Direct Series
This series, launched March 16,2018, will portray our project through a CUGH-Pulitzer winning video for Global Health Innovation, a personal account of the community focused research and project implementation process by the Principle Investigator Jessica Kritz, a Q&A with the former Director of Public Health for the Accra Metropolitan Assembly, regarding why this project was successful compared to others, and a set of infographics that illustrate our roadmap to cross-sector collaboration. Our ongoing projects in Ghana suggest that cross-sector collaboration is a viable path to improving community health.
"A Realist Systematic Review of Cross-Sector Collaboration Implementation in Developing Countries & Mediation as a Useful INSTRUMENt"
This review will provide a realistic systematic review to synthesize evidence on successful cross-sector collaboration implementation in developing (low and middle income) countries. More specifically, this review will explicitly consider interactions between strategy, context, and mechanisms to provide an indication as to how cross-sector collaboration governance helps some cross-sector collaboration succeed, grow, and become sustainable. This paper will also present mediation as potentially a useful mechanism to implement cross-sector collaboration implementation in developing countries.
Recommended Citation:
Jessica Kritz, A Realist Systematic Review of Cross-Sector Collaboration Implementation in Developing Countries & Mediation as a Useful Instrument, 17 Pepp. Disp. Resol. L.J. 369 (2017)
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